Friday, March 27, 2009

The Light At The End Of My Tunnel

Soon, it seems, I will be coming up for air.

In the meantime, I have found this very useful website about Michele Bachmann, which restores some sense of balance on the web from people like The Constructive Curmudgeon and his blog, where he actually endorsed Michele Bachmann as "A Fresh, Clear Voice". Deconstructing a passage from the Curmudegon's endorsement of Bachmann suffices:
She spoke in clear and cogent terms of the unconstitutionality of Obama's massive and unprecedented governmental power grab [emphasis added; and yes, in the wake of the Bush presidency that is as insane a statement as one could make]

and the dangers of switching to an international currency (something Obama's people are considering). [Once again, emphasis added. And by the way, the Obama people are not considering switching to an international currency; the Chinese, our largest debt-holder, are proposing switching to a new global reserve currency instead of the dollar. All you have to do is google it up.]

I don't know too much about her, but please consult her web page. [Typical Curmudgeon: he will jump on anyone's bandwagon as long as they are willing to thrash President Obama.]

Kooks are like magnets, I guess.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Bill Maher's Defense of Government

I am alive, just incredibly busy and unable to blog. But this caught my eye last night, and it deserves a hearing. Actually, it should be mandatory viewing for all.

When I have more time, in about a month or so, I will blog about the differences between Keith Olbermann and Rush Limbaugh (yes, one's so huge that if you missed it I'd have to doubt your powers of discernment), the need for government driven health-care reform, common sense solutions to the housing and financial crisis (ones I have heard about), reasons to be excited about President Obama's first days 100 days in office (with some due reservations), reasons why Republicans cannot be trusted and examples of how they are knowingly lying to you (for example, the fake earmark controversy, with McCain spewing nonsense on behalf of the party)...

The list is long. As I said, a month or so, so if you would, there's even time for you to suggest topics you'd be interested in reading about...

See you soon.
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