Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Boycott and Defeat Koch Industries

Boycott Koch Industries. The Koch Brothers are a truly destructive influence on American politics. You can read more about them here (scroll down the page to see a list of products you should boycott) and here.

Yes, my money is but a drop in the ocean of billions that go to Koch Industries everywhere, but why should I support their regressive political activities with my money? Resistance has to begin somewhere. So vote with your dollars.


Unknown said...

I had some trouble verifying how Chevron is currently related to the Koch industries. It is a publicly traded corporation, owned by millions of shareholders. Please clarify for me.

The Daily Fuel said...

Jonathan: some trouble is a euphemism, I am sure, because I just wasted a good half hour trying to come up with a link between the two companies myself.

I will seek clarification from the owners of the Facebook page.

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