Another feather in the cap of the current administration. You know, the one that according to vicepresident Cheney brought you more than five years of uninterrupted economic expansion (which, might I add, did very few people any good)? Yes, that one. That same administration that also looked away while
Tent City rose from the rubble of the mortgage crisis. But that is news only in Europe. I will personally remember it as the administration that did more to socialize risk and privatize profits than any other in history.
Now I know many people have been irresponsible in how they handled their finances and that they reached well beyond their limits, but isn't this the administration that says we should give tax breaks to everybody because, after all, the people know best? Do they or don't they? Perhaps relaxing government regulations, slashing government oversight of big business, and leaving the free-market to work unfettered, in exchange for a tax break, is not so good for everybody after all...
Oh, and by the way, guess who's bailing out irresponsible lenders and, as the English language-mauling president himself actually said, "lendees"...(If you have attended a much maligned public school, you may know them as "borrowers").

P.S. I thought of capturing this screenshot of the search because I am sure it is only a matter of time before Neil Cavuto and Faux News realize that they must take the article down, lest there should be one more reminder that being ruled by an illiterate moron in the 21th century is not a good thing.